Takumi Spain

Property Research
Rental/real estate investment/property purchase/selection
Property information (accompanied by Japanese staff)
Lease/sales contract
Attendance at move-in
Communication with the landlord (support during occupancy)
*You can also view and sign contracts with real estate properties of other companies.

Life Settings / Life Consultation
opening a bank account
Mobile phone/Internet construction settings
Electricity, gas, utility bill name change, etc.
School search, visit reservation, accompany, admission procedure
Spanish driver's license renewal
Spanish language training
Handling of home insurance and other insurance (18 companies including AXA / Sanitas / Mapfre / FIATC / REALE / Catalana Occidente / Zurich)

Consultation and Application for Spanish Visa / NIE
Visa consultation and application procedures for real estate investment visas, non-resident visas, etc.
Consultation and application assistance for NIE (residence permit)
Notario (notary public)
certified spanish translation
Other legal interpretation services

Real Estate Investment / Management
Spanish real estate property search, preview accompaniment, and brokerage.
Real estate acquisition procedures and legal advice
Bank account opening, overseas remittance, pledge document, Japanese contract, certificate
Home loan consultation
Application for real estate investment visa, residence permit application procedure if necessary
Finding a lessee for an investment property after purchase
Property management
Assistance when selling property